Dr. Reem Saadeh specializes in seeing patients with many genetic conditions including but not limited to those listed below. Please use the “get started” link to begin the appointment process and see if Dr. Saadeh is able to provide you with a diagnostic workup, counseling, and recommendations. This is a self pay telemedicine consultation.

  • Genetics cancer predisposition

    • breast, colon, ovarian, endometrial, prostate, renal, stomach etc.

    • syndromes with elevated cancer risks such as Hereditary Breast and Ovarian syndrome, Lynch syndrome, Cowden syndrome etc.

  • Multiple congenital anomalies

    • physical or internal anomalies

    • chromosomal disorders

  • Neurogenetic disorders

    • developmental delays

    • autism

    • intellectual disability

    • seizure disorder

    • hypotonia

  • Connective Tissue disorders

    • Marfan syndrome, Loeys-Dietz, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome,

  • Cardiac genetics

    • cardiomyopathy

    • aortic aneurysm predisposition

  • Hearing loss

  • Renal genetics

    • polycystic kidney diseases etc

  • Neurocutaneous disorders

    • neurofibromatosis

    • incotinentia pigmenti

    • epidermolysis bullosa

    • capillary vascular anomalies


New Patient-Non Cancer Genetics: $400

New Patient- Cancer Genetics: $300

Follow-up test results visit included with the above

Follow-up visit: $200