Welcome to Commonwealth Clinical Genetics!

“Genetics”, derived from the ancient Greek word genentikos, which in turn derived from “genesis”, meaning origin, is the study of genes, their variance, and hereditary patterns.  Born from the work of a 19th century friar Gregory Mendel in his study of pea plants, modern genetics has harnessed 150 years of advancements to bring greater meaning to each individual’s “origin” and its impact on one’s health, past, present, and future.

It is here at CCG where your journey to better understanding the relationship between your genetic makeup and a wide array of medical conditions begins.  At CCG we strive to take the complex and unknown and transform it into a more simple understandable language.  It is through caring compassionate listening that we are able to connect the myriad dots of family history, symptomatology, and the latest in genetic testing to hopefully provide a unifying diagnosis or risk profile.  It is through years of training and experience in the field of clinical genetics that we strive to make the unknown less so, while doing so with the privacy, comfort and convenience afforded by telemedicine.